> Brew

I’ve been making beer since the fall of 2008.  It started with an extremely unpleasant oatmeal stout brewed in my condemned apartment in Decorah, Iowa.  Brewing setups in Albert Lea and Minneapolis, Minnesota yielded EPAs, a cream ale, palatable oatmeal stouts, explosive hard apple cider, and several IPAs.

My best stretch of brewing was from 2010 to 2012 in Nome, Alaska with my brewing partner, the extremely industrious Matthew Smith.  Our beers included several IPAs, a Peace Coffee porter, a few Surly Furious knockoffs, an 8 percent abv Belgian, an ESB, a steam beer, an intensely hopped amber and others that pushed the limit of brewing in arctic Alaska.

Here are a few notes from the early beers.

December 2010:

On December 30, I brewed a not quite yet named British pale ale.  This was the first brew on the new all-grain system.  11lbs of grain, 4 oz Kent Golding hops, Wyeast 1098 British Ale yeast.  Currently fermenting at 68-70 degrees.  Hops were purchased from HopChimp, a hops vendor on facebook.

March 2010:

Northern Brewer Oatmeal Stout

Summer 2009:

Alpha Wolf EPA:



This Extra Pale Ale is reserved for the king of the pack.  Loads of golden malt provide a refreshing feast for those who are tired after a night of dominance and killing two-ton moose. An excessive dose of Royal Cascade round out the brew as the fruity yeast provides dessert for those who reign supreme.

Scorch Porter:


A death-black full bodied porter.  It’s like tossing a slab of Aztec chocolate into the day-old sludge in the bottom of the coffee pot and throwing it in the brew kiln for a year. Nugget and Cascade hops do what they can to numb the roast blast.  Pairs well with itself.  Get your WhiteStrips ready, this brew destroys your teeth. Ready September 20th.


Old-Growth IPA:

A tongue shredding hopped out IPA featuring the finest Douglas Fir, Norway Pine, White Pine, as well as last year’s Christmas tree.  This ale screams Minnesota north woods, but if there is no one to hear it, does it still scream?


Smokestack Ale:

A rich, thick, jet-black  rauchbier that billows flavor that range from walnut to hickory to charcoal.  Peat-smoked malt gives you a full five years of 4th-hand smoke.  A measured drag of throat-scorching  industrial revolution hops provides balance to the blast-furnace heat.  A carbon offset comes optional with this brew.


Terror on Two Wheels:

Equal parts WD-40 and Brazilian rubber tree extract make this beer street-legal and endo-proof.  Rich carmel and toffee malts provide sweetness and electrolytes for the road ahead.  Available in 12 oz bottles and Camelpaks.


Real Deal Pilsner:

This beer has nothing to hide.  golden Pilsen malt + piercingly sharp Saaz hops.It works as high-end lawnmower, football, or frisbee beer.


Brew History:

June 2009: AMERICAN RED.

Copper-colored, union brewed, smooth as sailing, kid tested, summer approved.  Features pure Minnesota water and Marlboro Reds.

bmath american red

April 2009:

HARD. A spicy apple cider.  Gingered beyond belief.

hard labels

hard labels

January 2009:

BMATH Inaugural Nut Brown Ale.  Pairs well with red meat, desserts,  and change.


Illustration credit goes to Shepard Fairly.  Check him out.

December 2008:

Garbage Pale Ale.  The name doesn’t lie.

garbage pale ale

November 2008:

BMATH Autumn Stout


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